Inspiring story of three goats...

It all started one lazy Sunday afternoon in a small village named Karripode, near Pallakad in Kerala. Two school-going friends had a crazy idea. They rounded up three goats from the neighborhood and painted the number 1, 2 and 4 on their sides. That night they let the goats loose inside their school building.

The next morning, when the authorities entered the school, they could smell something was wrong. They soon saw goat droppings on the stairs and near the entrance and realized that some goats had entered the building. A search was immediately launched and very soon, the three goats were found. But the authorities were worried, where was goat No. 3?

They spent the rest of the day looking for goat No.3. Gradually there was panic and frustration. The school declared classes off for the students for the rest of the day. The teachers, helpers, guards and canteen-boys were all busy looking for the goat No. 3, which, of course, was never found. Simply because it did not exist.

Those among us who inspite of having a good life are always feeling a "lack of fulfilment" are actually looking for the elusive, missing, non-existent goat No.3.

If you live in the present moment,sound becomes music,movement become dance,smile becomes laughter,mind becomes meditative and life becomes a celebration..

We are happy to announce the launch of our book ZeNLP-learning through stories. This book was launched at World Book Fair by The Written Word Publishers". This is a stress management handbook with simple meditations and containing 36 inspiring stories like "Inspiring story of three goats". This book is priced at USD 10 at However, we are pleased to offer email buyers a special introductory discount on the U.S.$ list price... Your invitational price is Rs.395/- (plus speedpost/courier charges)

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