Benefits of ZeNLP tribal meditation workshop SUCCEED

by Murli Menon, CEO

What is ZeNLP?

ZeNLP is a combination of Zen+NLP. The word Zen evolved from "zhan" in Japanese which Chinese monks carried to Japan. "Dhyan" or "Meditation" which is based on the sixth chapter of "Bhagavad Geeta", was mispronounced by Chinese monks as "chan" which meant meditation. Thus Zen means meditation, and ZeNLP is a combination of Meditation with Neurolinguistic Programming. ZeNLP is a school of psychological thought which believes that meditation can multiply mind power manifold to reach goals in life.

Who will benefit?

Middle to Senior Level Managers who are leading teams comprising of highly skilled employees will particularly benefit from ZeNLP based workshop. Software Engineers, Project Heads, Management trainees will gain cutting edge knowledge in managing and motivating teams. PSU managers will find ZeNLP particularly beneficial for motivating subordinates through team-work exercises. CEO's, directors and entrepreuners will benefit most from tribal meditation.

The Contents:

This international level training programme is cutomised to HIT the soft spots in your Training Calendar. It seeks to give top achievers the EXTRA edge they need for quick success. This ZeNLP workshop works on hardwiring your communication skills and generating RESULTS. Vibrant talks will be peppered with LCD presentations, live action simulation exercises, role playing and team building games.

The Objectives:

The objective of this workshop is to upgrade the conceptual skills, analytical abilities and strategising skills of participants with a focus on multiplying their mind power manifold to achieve personal and organisational goals.

What workshop participants will receive:

Various meditation techniques including zen meditation, dynamic meditation and ZeNLP meditation will be demonstrated at this workshop. Participants will receive audio tapes with Mind Power Music, Scrollls for Success in the New Millennium and Shanti Meditation tape in addition to two training manuals and instructions for internalising ZeNLP techniques learnt at workshop.

The Duration:

This ZeNLP workshop will last for a duration of three days. The workshop will start at 9:00 a.m. sharp

The Diet:

Participants will be served special Zen tea and Zen diet also known as High Power Diet throughout the duration of the workshop. Benefits of three day ZeNLP based workshop SUCCEED

About the trainer:

Murli Menon is a many faceted personality. He is a professional consultant, a trainer, a biochemist, a linguistic expert, a poet, a story writer and much much more. What is amazing is that he has excelled in all these fields and has been recognised nationally and internationally. Murli has had an exceptional academic career which spans from graduation in biochemistry to MBA in Marketing to presently pursuing advanced doctoral research on the effects on Zen Meditation on the unconscious mind. Murli is the recepient of several international awards and is listed in "International Who's Who of Intellectuals" by International Biographical Institute, Cambridge. Murli is also the only Asian to become a certified member of "We Care" Coalition of U.S.A.. Murli is the recepient of "International Award for Distinguished Leadership" by American Biograhical Institute, U.S.A.

Murli is the President of phenoMenon consultants incorporated and is a certified ZeNLP trainer to top national and Multinational corporations. phenoMenon's clients include giant corporations like Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL), Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizer Company (GNFC), Indian Telephone Industries (ITI), Paradeep Port Trust (PPT), Trident Group, Ahmedabad Electric Company (AEC) and Zydus Cadila among numerous others. phenoMenon consultants is the one and only consultancy in South East Asia who offer MIND POWER development workshops for senior managers based on Indian, Buddhist, Zen and Tibetian scriptures. phenoMenon consultants inc conducts week-long workshops on MIND POWER development for senior Management, Board of Directors and CEO's. These workshops are result oriented with a focus on Goal Setting and Achievement using Creative Visualisation, Dynamic Meditation and ancient Vedic, Egyptian, Mayan and Aztec MIND POWER development ceremonies. More than 2500 managers have attended Murli's SQ (Spiritual Quotient ) enhancement workshops in the last six years. Murli met with a serious accident in January'1995 which paralysed the left side of his body. Murli successfully recovered from paralysis by combining Zen meditation with Neurolinguistic Programming.

Murli Menon, President, phenoMenon consultants inc, is the bestselling author of "ZeNLP-the power to succeed" (Sage Publications'2004) and "ZeNLP-the power to relax" (New Dawn Press'2005)

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